Monday, 5 November 2018

Becoming The Dragon

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Lithunters, for allowing me to read an advance readers copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

When I read the description of Becoming The Dragon by Alex Sapegin, I was intrigued. It sounded just my cup of tea - a YA fantasy novel about a teenage boy who finds himself on another planet where elves and dragons exist. Alex, the main character, is changed into some kind of beast man and then hunted. After capture, he forms a connection with a dragon who helps him to become one himself...what's not to like

Well, for one thing, the writing is not particularly engaging. It's ok in it's style for maybe younger YA readers, but some of the themes that occur are aimed at older readers so it's incredibly difficult to place in an age range. Also, the characters are rather two dimensional and left me not really caring if they lived or died. The novel is saved only by the general storyline and the good connection between the plot-points, in my opinion.

However, I'm sure some teenagers would love it more than people 25+, as it is easy to follow the plot and they might connect with Alex on a more personal level. This is by no means the worst book I have ever read...but it really wasn't for me.

Star rating: 2/5

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The Magic of Terry Pratchett by Marc Burrows

Many thanks, as always, go to NetGalley and to the publisher, White Owl, for kindly allowing me to read an advance readers copy of this book...